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George S. Hishmeh
By George S. Hishmeh - Feb 27,2014
A heated debate has been going on in America for some time now, especially at the White House, among congressmen, foreign policy analysts at think tanks and leading newspapers, over US foreign policy, particularly the likelihood of US intervention, militarily or otherwise, i
By George S. Hishmeh - Feb 20,2014
The failure of the UN-led Syrian talks in Geneva last week between representatives of the Syrian regime led by Bashar Assad and a segment of the Syrian opposition was a fireball that scorched all parties, far and near, particularly the Obama administration, which is now intensely
By George S. Hishmeh - Feb 13,2014
Seeing front-page photos in newspapers or on television last week of Syrian families carrying overstuffed handbags and evacuating their virtually demolished neighbourhood in Homs, in central Syria, which has just entered the fourth year of a devastating civil war, was heartbrea
By George S. Hishmeh - Feb 06,2014
It was amazing to see how US Secretary of State John Kerry appeared to panic when he was the target of unyielding, sharp criticism of three rightwing Israeli Cabinet ministers for his citing the growing effectiveness of the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions progra
By George S. Hishmeh - Jan 30,2014
Once again, the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, resorted to his infamous flip-flop tactics in the hope of delaying the negotiations for a Palestinian-Israeli peace agreement.
His apparent ulterior objective, as recently evidenced, is to expand the territory of Is
By George S. Hishmeh - Jan 23,2014
A little over 40 years ago, I landed a job at the foreign desk of The Washington Post, a leading American newspaper, just about four years after returning to the United States to settle in Washington for good after the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.
My success was due to meeting the pap
By George S. Hishmeh - Jan 17,2014
This is my $64,000 question to the Obama administration, echoing yesteryear’s popular television programme where if you correctly answered the first question, you got your first dollar and then would go doubling the preceding prize all the time, until one would earn $64,000
By George S. Hishmeh - Jan 09,2014
Several decades ago, when I began my journalism career at The Daily Star in Beirut, (and later becoming editor in chief) I was assigned to interview at a late hour one evening at the capital’s international airport a prominent member of the British Labour Party and Hous