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Ramzy Baroud
By Ramzy Baroud - Feb 04,2014
As US Secretary of State John Kerry hurried to his helicopter ready to take off at the end of a visit to Iraq last year, it was becoming clearer that the Americans had lost control of a country they wished to mould to their liking.
His departure on March 24, 2013, was the co
By Ramzy Baroud - Jan 28,2014
In a recent radio interview with a National Public Radio affiliate in Juneau, Alaska, I was asked if I had advice for a 16-year-old Palestinian student, Haitham.
He had just arrived in the US as part of a school exchange programme and, admirably, began reaching out to his pe
By Ramzy Baroud - Jan 21,2014
Israel is often viewed by Washington politicians as the most “stable” ally in the Middle East.
By Ramzy Baroud - Jan 14,2014
The death of former Israeli leader Ariel Sharon enlivened US media’s interest in the legacy of a man considered by many a war criminal, and by some a hero.
By Ramzy Baroud - Jan 07,2014
A worst-case scenario is unfolding in Syria, and Palestinian refugees, particularly in the Yarmouk refugee camp, are paying a heavy price for Syria’s cruel war.
They are starving, although there can be no justification, nor logistical explanation for why they are dying