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Safadi, Qatari PM hold expanded talks in Doha

By JT - Jul 16,2023 - Last updated at Jul 16,2023

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Ayman Safadi holds talks with Qatari Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani in Doha on Sunday (Petra photo)

AMMAN — Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Ayman Safadi on Sunday in Doha held expanded talks with Qatari Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani over means to develop cooperation and several regional issues.

Safadi and Sheikh Mohammed discussed ways of expanding cooperation in the economic and investment fields, increasing trade, and activating the joint investment fund that the two countries agreed to establish in 2009 at a value of $2 billion, according to a Foreign Ministry statement.

They also affirmed the two countries' keenness to take practical steps to increase cooperation in several vital sectors, in a way that reflects the strategic historical relations, in implementation of the directives of His Majesty King Abdullah and Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

They agreed to convene the joint high committee before the end of this year, and to sign several agreements that can boost the legislative frameworks necessary to increase cooperation in vital investment sectors.

Safadi reiterated the Kingdom's appreciation for the attention provided by Qatar to the Jordanian community, amounting to some 70,000, after some 15,000 Jordanians began their work in Qatar under Sheikh Tamim's initiative to provide 20,000 jobs in 2018.

Economic cooperation between the two countries continues to grow, with trade volumes rising from $163 million in 2021 to $2.011 billion in 2022, where trade exchange between the two countries in the first quarter of this year reached $58 million, according to the statement.

The number of Qatari tourists rose from 8,907 in 2021 to 14,241 in 2022, while Qatari investments amounted to about $2 billion.

Safadi and Sheikh Mohammed stressed the importance of the growth in economic cooperation between the Kingdom and Qatar, and the need to continue to work for its development.

They stressed the importance of halting the escalation in the occupied Palestinian territories and reaching calm as a step towards re-launching serious and effective negotiations to achieve a just and comprehensive peace on the basis of the two-state solution and the accredited references.

The two ministers stressed the need to halt all illegal Israeli actions that undermine the two-state solution, which is the sole way to achieve a just and comprehensive peace.

They also warned of the consequences of deterioration and lack of political prospects, economic pressures in the occupied Palestinian territories, Israel's continued construction and expansion of settlements, confiscation of Palestinian land and forceful expulsion of Palestinians from their homes in addition to military operations against Palestinian cities.

They stressed the need for Israel to respect the historical and legal status quo in Jerusalem's Islamic and Christian holy sites and to halt all steps aimed at altering this status quo.

Sheikh Mohammed reiterated the importance of the historical role of the Hashemite Custodianship in safeguarding Jerusalem’s holy sites. 

Safadi and Sheikh Mohammed stressed the importance of achieving Palestinian national reconciliation and unity.

Safadi also stressed the significance of Qatar's role in this regard and its support to Gazans and UNRWA.

Safadi and Sheikh Mohammed discussed the Arab role in efforts to find a political solution to the crisis in Syria in accordance with the step-by-step methodology and in line with Security Council Resolution No. 2254.

They stressed the need to implement the Amman statement and take concrete steps to address the consequences of the humanitarian, security and political implications in order to end the crisis, the suffering caused to the Syrian people and the resulting threats to the region's security, including drug trafficking.

Safadi and Sheikh Mohammed also discussed efforts to resolve the Yemeni and Libyan crises and support stability in Lebanon.

They stressed the importance of activating joint Arab action in efforts to resolve regional crises and serve Arab and Islamic issues.

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