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Marking the trail: And the march continues

Oct 23,2021 - Last updated at Oct 23,2021

As we bid farewell to the modern Jordanian state's first centennial, we recall the heroism of our forefathers and grandfathers, the noble women and men who served and built the Jordan of today, as well as the sacrifices of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army, who built a free and dignified country, founded on the principles of the Renaissance and the Great Arab Revolution, declared by Sharif Hussein Bin Ali, and led by all. King Abdullah the First, King Talal, the drafter of the constitution, and builder King Hussein bin Talal decided, and His Majesty King Abdullah II came to strengthen the structure and lay the groundwork for good governance, security and stability in a volatile region.

Indeed, the government's centennial celebration of the founding of the Jordanian state last week was unlike any other. The Royal honouring served as the magical link between history's significance and greatness and its connection to the future and the tomorrow that we all strive to paint bright and prosperous. His Majesty the King bestowed the First State Centennial Medal to a number of national figures who have contributed to Jordan's advancement and prosperity over the years, including ministers, judges, educators, engineers, physicians, economists, clerics and media. His Majesty made a significant gesture by bestowing the nation's first state centennial medal on the martyrs and veterans of the Battle of Karama, as well as all the nation's martyrs. As if the Monarch desired to convey a message that Jordan is a country with a deeply rooted history and that it will never forget those who served and sacrificed for it.

Today, as we head towards the new centenary, we are proceeding with confidence and steadfastness. As such, we are following in the footsteps of our forefathers and grandfathers, who set an example of generosity through their support of the oppressed, relief of the vulnerable, and inclusion of all in Jordan's warm heart.

His Majesty has also bestowed the highest honours and medals on the chairman and members of the Royal Committee for the Modernisation of the Political System, in recognition of their tireless efforts in charting the future course of Jordanian political life. This future, which will allow for greater freedom and space for partisan programmatic work and will increase youth and women participation in political life. Honouring the members of the Royal committee demonstrates the King's deep commitment to a qualitative shift in Jordanian politics, one that broadens the base of popular participation in decision-making circles and ensures that politics is not the exclusive domain of a small group.

Perhaps one of the sincerest indicators of the seriousness of reform and the desire to engage youth in political work, was the selection of ten Jordanian youth under the age of thirty-five to represent the youth and their aspirations and visions in the Royal Committee. Such representation has enabled Jordan's young women and men to draw the contours of a bright future with their own hands, rallying around wise leaders who led the march at the start of the second centennial to overcome obstacles, raise construction, modernise the political system, and confront economic and social challenges and their ramifications on various aspects of life.

This is what sets Jordan apart from other countries in the region; that we communicate with one another, discuss contentious political issues seamlessly, and we may agree or disagree on details here or there. Jordanians, on the other hand, have always been unanimous in their genuine affection for their country and its leadership, and they have repeatedly demonstrated their unflinching faith in their country over the course of a century, despite all adverse circumstances and challenges in the region.

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