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El Hassan bin Talal
By El Hassan bin Talal - Jan 14,2025
As we welcome the new year, we hope it will be a time of prosperity, marked by peace and tranquillity.
By El Hassan bin Talal - Oct 28,2024
The human conscience is conflicted by what is unfolding before the world’s eyes: The killing and displacement of Gaza’s children, which shakes the very core of our human dignity and forces us to reevaluate our moral and religious principles.
By El Hassan bin Talal - Jul 19,2023
Introduction: On the seventy-second commemoration of my grandfather, King Abdullah bin Hussein's martyrdom at the entrance of Al Aqsa Mosque, there is profound significance in republishing his article entitled "As the Arabs see the Jews". Originally featured in The Ame
By El Hassan bin Talal - Mar 19,2022
Almost as far back as the historical records tell, wars have been waged in the name of “Civilisation”. Conquests endeavoured under the double aegis of colonialism and imperialism have been justified with references to “Civilisation”, but what of the term?
By El Hassan bin Talal - Mar 26,2020
Humankind has outlived multiple pandemics in the course of world history.
By El Hassan bin Talal - Apr 01,2019
As we commemorate 100 years on from Versailles and the end of World War I, what has happened to the self-determination of peoples and the inadmissibility of acquisitions of territory by war?
By El Hassan bin Talal - Mar 16,2019
Words cannot express adequately the pain and anguish I feel at Fridays’ heinous attacks in New Zealand. I share the anguish of my fellow Muslims at those who have orchestrated such diabolical carnage in a place of prayer.
By El Hassan bin Talal - Mar 01,2018
Over the past week, we have witnessed some of the Syrian conflict’s worst days of violence.
By El Hassan bin Talal - Jul 17,2017
On Friday, July 14, two Israeli police officers and three Arab Israeli gunmen were killed within Al Haram Al Sharif compound.This raises the eternal question of Jerusalem and the management of holy space.Sadly, religion, and the way we worship, is being politicised and used as a
By El Hassan bin Talal - May 30,2017
Once again the world mourns the loss of innocent lives.The recent attack in Manchester has yet again shocked and angered the world; time and again we see barbarous acts perpetrated against society’s most precious asset: its youth.Across the world, children continue to be targeted