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Osama Al Sharif
By Osama Al Sharif - Jun 02,2021
After four deadlocked general elections in two years, with the daunting prospect of going into a fifth, Israel is on the verge of forming a coalition government that will bring to an end 12 years of often controversial rule of Benyamin Netanyahu.
By Osama Al Sharif - May 25,2021
Facing his first international crisis test US President Joe Biden sought to cushion Israel from facing reprimand at the UN Security Council, opting instead to publicly support its right to self defence while exerting pressure on Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu in private to wra
By Osama Al Sharif - May 19,2021
Even before the eruption of the latest assault on the besieged Gaza Strip, Israel had suffered a serious public relations defeat; one that has tarnished its image, probably beyond repair, around the world.
By Osama Al Sharif - May 11,2021
Almost three years ago president Donald Trump took the illegal and unilateral step of recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s united capital. By doing so he and his top aides said the US had taken Jerusalem off the negotiations table.
By Osama Al Sharif - May 04,2021
A senior US delegation will visit the region this week, almost four months since President Joe Biden was sworn in as president. This will be the first high-level diplomatic contact between the US administration and regional officials.
By Osama Al Sharif - Apr 28,2021
Jordanians are being warned to expect critical water shortages this summer largely due to a poor rainy season, which only reached 60 per cent of the average annual rainfall.
By Osama Al Sharif - Apr 20,2021
The United States is finally leaving Afghanistan 20 years after it invaded that country in a bid to destroy Al Qaeda, and its host the Taliban, to avenge the victims of 9/11.
By Osama Al Sharif - Apr 13,2021
Whether it was a cyberattack or a deliberately planned explosion that caused a serious power blackout at Iran’s underground Natanz uranium enrichment plant on Sunday, it was most likely carried out by Israel.
By Osama Al Sharif - Mar 30,2021
The signing this week in Tehran of a 25-year comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement between China and Iran is a major breakthrough for the two countries and will have long-term effects on the geopolitical balance of the Gulf and the region as a whole.
By Osama Al Sharif - Mar 23,2021
Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip edged closer towards the legislative elections, the first in 15 years, as the central election committee began receiving applications for registration of lists contesting the 132-seat legislature in the May 22 poll.
