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Ali Kassay
By Ali Kassay - May 12,2019
A young couple who were married a year ago had their first baby last week. The mother and baby were in perfect health and the father was over the moon with joy.
By Ali Kassay - May 05,2019
A few years ago, a group of visiting US senators who were given a talk by a Jordanian Cabinet minister, were surprised to discover that he was Christian.
By Ali Kassay - Apr 21,2019
At last, it has arrived. The final season of the TV show “Game of Thrones” (GOT) is screened for the delectation of about 1 billion viewers worldwide.
By Ali Kassay - Apr 15,2019
I remember clearly April 6, 1985, when my Sudanese colleagues rushed into my office to share with me the news that a military coup had overthrown Sudan’s incumbent leader Gaafar Nimeiri. I was not sure what would be the polite reaction: In principle, I believe little go
By Ali Kassay - Apr 07,2019
The past three weeks in Algeria were very interesting, not least because the events that unfolded did not produce anything that was not already familiar.It all started when the military, who control and largely constitute the government, nicknamed “generals in designer suits”, an
By Ali Kassay - Mar 31,2019
One of the marvels of the Internet age is that rarely a week goes by without someone inviting you to sign a petition supporting one cause or another.
By Ali Kassay - Mar 24,2019
Some time ago, I chanced to be in a taxi that was jostling its way through a traffic jam, when suddenly a motorist drew alongside us, lowered his window and said to the driver menacingly: “Don’t you know who I am? I can have you thrown in jail.
By Ali Kassay - Mar 17,2019
Once again, terror reared its ugly head, this time at two mosques in New Zealand.
By Ali Kassay - Mar 10,2019
As King Farouk of Egypt boarded his yacht to go into exile in 1952, he supposedly predicted that in 50 years there would be only five kings left in the world: the kings of spades, diamonds, hearts and clubs, and the king of England.Farouk was wrong about this, just as he was abou
By Ali Kassay - Mar 03,2019
Once again, the rain came and with it came mudslides and flash floods that inundated the commercial area of downtown Amman and many other parts of Jordan.
