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Jeffrey D. Sachs
By Jeffrey D. Sachs - Sep 08,2014
It is time for the United States and other powers to let the Middle East govern itself in line with national sovereignty and the United Nations Charter. As the US contemplates yet another round of military action in Iraq and intervention in Syria, it should recognise two basic t
By Jeffrey D. Sachs - Aug 20,2014
The horrific Ebola epidemic in at least four West African countries (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria) not only demands an emergency response to halt the outbreak, but also calls for rethinking some basic assumptions of global public health. We live in an age of emergin
By Jeffrey D. Sachs - Jul 02,2014
If the world is to solve the climate change crisis, we will need a new approach.
By Jeffrey D. Sachs - May 25,2014
In his review of Nina Munk’s error-filled and out-of-date book, Bill Gates oddly abandons the rigorous approach to measurement and evaluation that defines his foundation’s invaluable work. He simply accepts Munk’s assertion that the Millennium Villages Project
