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Minxin Pei
By Minxin Pei - Jun 08,2023
CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA — The Chinese government seems to have fallen back in love with economic growth.
By Minxin Pei - Nov 21,2022
ATHENS — The new leadership team selected by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China failed to impress financial markets at home and abroad.
By Minxin Pei - Sep 25,2022
CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA — There was a time when well-meaning, if not wishful-thinking, Westerners thought that “China’s Gorbachev” was the highest compliment they could pay a Chinese leader who looked like a reformer.
By Minxin Pei - Mar 28,2022
CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA — Russian President Vladimir Putin’s endgame in Ukraine remains unclear. But his war there does seem to be sending one clear message: If you have nukes, nobody messes with you.
By Minxin Pei - Feb 21,2022
CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA — With China currently the only country capable of unseating America as the leading global power, many in Washington may wish that US President Richard Nixon had never made his historic trip to China 50 years ago this month.
By Minxin Pei - Jan 31,2022
CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA — Beijing may be 6,500 kilometres from Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, but the geopolitical stakes for China in the escalating crisis over Ukraine’s fate could not be higher.
By Minxin Pei - Jan 03,2022
CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA — During the Cold War, Europe was America’s strategic priority.
By Minxin Pei - Feb 07,2021
CLAREMONT, California — I do not know whether US President Joe Biden, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and their foreign-policy advisers have read Robert Axelrod’s classic book on international relations, “The Evolution of Cooperation”.
By Minxin Pei - Nov 26,2020
CLAREMONT, California — Devising an effective strategy to compete, cooperate, and co-exist with China will be one of US President-elect Joe Biden’s toughest foreign-policy challenges.
By Minxin Pei - Jan 16,2020
CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA — US President Donald Trump’s decision to order the assassination of Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s most powerful military commander, has raised the specter, albeit still distant, of all-out war between the United States and the Islamic Republic.
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