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World moves forward while we are busy classifying people into black and white

Aug 13,2022 - Last updated at Aug 13,2022

This is a call to all, regardless of their positions, to mobilise minds, hearts and, above all, souls, to serve our country and strive to change the current situation to a better one.

Let us all be motivated and deterred by the fact that we are partners in serving the country and continue to work on big and small matters internally and externally for the benefit of Jordan, and abandon what we are currently witnessing of gaps, weaknesses and mistakes.

Let us all rise from everything that disturbs peace and mood and robs us of energy and health, and unite ourselves to serve the Jordan we love, and be influenced only by good words and behaviour.

Let us renounce every behaviour or behaviour that is inconsistent with our values, narrow the way for those who adopt it, and besiege those who support it.

That our goal in every act, behavior or word is for the benefit of Jordan, its present and its future, in order to achieve success that will be completed by generations.

Let the political parties, in their goals and paths, be a role model for spreading national values that truly believe in Jordan, sacrificing any gains for the sake of country, and putting endeavors in their proper context.

Ensuring that civil society organisations serve the country and nothing but the country, expressing honest opinion and experience, and not paying attention to personal interests and sources of influence and funding.

Let our universities be intellectual beacons that create human beings, develop their capabilities and skills, and direct their interests and behavior to serve nations.

To make our professors schools of thought, houses of knowledge and references, so that generations can benefit from everything that is new and useful.

In order for students to seek, above all, to obtain the deepest knowledge and the best skills to employ them in achieving the desired national development goals.

So that students are keen to build their culture and values towards all that is correct, purposeful and productive, and besiege, discard and eliminate negative behaviors.

Building the essence, not imitation, and staying away from what destroys the soul and health, and thus makes people without vision and ambition.

To be radiant energies, all vitality and activity are employed in all that is useful.

Schools must broadcast the torch of challenge and determination to achieve and change conditions among school students, and before that children, and direct them towards creating the future they want.

Let us deliver Jordan's mission together to put it in the ranks of the developed countries in the correct sense of progress and achieve that even after a while. No doubt this is difficult, but it is possible if there is will, determination and perseverance.

Officials must be positive role models and expand their hearts to people and deal with people with all civility and tact so that they reach people’s hearts and minds. There is no persuasion unless the officials set an example in performance and behaviour.

Every official should take a good and acceptable approach with people, enter hearts and minds, and stay away from any words or descriptions that awaken the devil and promote aversion or lead to engaging with them in an unprofitable confrontation as if they are two parties, and not forget that they exist to serve people and therefore they have to absorb them.

We must be well aware that reinforcing or evaluating any behaviour of others is never achieved unless we are a role model in the behaviour.

Let us build our convictions and our stances as citizens on proven facts and not enter into a series of rumors and accusations that do not advance us, but rather delay us for decades and years.

Let us all make the difficulty possible, however difficult it is, it is not impossible.

People do not believe our words, but they are affected by our actions and their real positive or non-positive reactions are related to actions and nothing but actions, and then we do not need to talk because actions are more informative and brighter than any talk.

People are cling to any achievement that nurtures optimism and move forward. I do not think they seek to deny, dwarf or destroy any success but they don't buy any words that actions do not support.

In conclusion, we are all one team, not two teams. We may differ in roles and perhaps in the means, methods and tools, but the definite commonality between all of us is to serve the country. Service to the state is not possible unless we adhere to a set of rules that control but rather govern behaviour.

Unfortunately, the world is moving forward while we are busy classifying people into black and white.

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