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Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh
By Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh - Aug 21,2014
Change is brought about essentially in two ways: revolution and evolution. Which approach is more suitable to our part of the world at this point in time? On the basis of both recent and older events that have unfolded in Arab countries since independence from European colonisa
By Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh - Aug 07,2014
The ruthless attack on Gaza by Israel revealed, among other things, Israel’s military might and Hamas’ military insignificance — even irrelevance. For the first time, analysts have been able to highlight what should have been highlighted decades ago: the huge i
By Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh - Jul 24,2014
Not much can be said about Gaza that has not already been said. The Israeli aggression on the densely populated, impoverished strip is both brutal and evil.
By Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh - Jul 10,2014
According to many analysts, Israel is not only supportive of divisions and conflicts in the region, but is in fact actively working to promote them.
By Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh - Jun 26,2014
Throughout the past three-and-a-half years, the period of what came to be known as the Arab Spring, Iraq was almost forgotten. All eyes were focused on the Arab Spring countries — primarily Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and, finally, Syria — in anticipation of a drive
By Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh - Jun 12,2014
In the world of academia, like in many others, when a matter becomes pressing and the feedback and role of all concerned becomes necessary, we organise a retreat. We take a day or two off, invite all involved and meet behind closed doors to address the matter head-on and come up
By Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh - May 29,2014
Israel is sparing no effort to Judaise Jerusalem.
By Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh - May 15,2014
I was struck a couple of weeks ago by a BBC report about epidemiologist Gary Slutkin’s theory that violence is a disease. In his view, violence develops like a disease and spreads like a disease, and therefore it can be contained and treated like a disease. The cause
By Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh - Apr 17,2014
Several media and press outlets carried a few days ago news that Israel, through its Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, is secretly talking to a number of “moderate” Arab countries. The aim is to establish an alliance against the “Iranian threat”, especi
By Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh - Apr 03,2014
A couple of week ago, I took part in a two-day seminar at the Dead Sea on scientific research, organised by the Arab Open University and attended by a large number of academics from Jordan and the Arab world. The objective was to pinpoint the challenges facing scientific re
