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Jeffrey D. Sachs
By Jeffrey D. Sachs - May 04,2021
NEW YORK — The governments of South Africa, India, and dozens of other developing countries are calling for the rights on intellectual property (IP), including vaccine patents, to be waived to accelerate the worldwide production of supplies to fight COVID-19.
By Jeffrey D. Sachs - Apr 07,2021
NEW YORK — America is two cultures in one nation.
By Jeffrey D. Sachs - Jan 10,2021
NEW YORK — The storming of the US Capitol on January 6 is easily misunderstood. Shaken by the ordeal, members of Congress have issued statements explaining that America is a nation of laws, not mobs.
By Jeffrey D. Sachs - Jan 04,2021
NEW YORK — The year 2020 was a harrowing one, with the COVID-19 pandemic, worldwide economic reversals, widespread climate-related disasters, pervasive social unrest, and even US President Donald Trump’s phony claims about massive electoral fraud and calls among his backers for m
By Jeffrey D. Sachs - Jan 04,2021
NEW YORK — Kudos to the European Commission for finalising a new investment agreement with China.
By Jeffrey D. Sachs - Dec 02,2020
NEW YORK — Sixty years ago next May, president John F. Kennedy put the United States on a mission to the future. “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.
By Jeffrey D. Sachs - Oct 06,2020
NEW YORK — Unlike tens of millions of people around the world who have contracted COVID-19 because of their poverty, bad luck, vulnerability as essential workers, or poor decisions by policymakers, US President Donald Trump’s infection is of his own making.
By Jeffrey D. Sachs - Jul 20,2020
NEW YORK — The G-20 ministers of finance meet this week under the auspices of Saudi Arabia, which holds the group’s presidency this year. But it is hard to imagine the G-20 countries leading the world, as they like to pretend that they do.
By Jeffrey D. Sachs - Jun 29,2020
NEW YORK — Three countries — the United States, Brazil, and Mexico — account for nearly half (46 per cent) of the world’s reported COVID-19 deaths, yet they contain only 8.6 per cent of the world’s population.
By Jeffrey D. Sachs - Feb 28,2020
NEW YORK – The narcissism and Panglossian cluelessness of the Wall Street elite is a marvel to behold. Sitting on their perches of power, and enjoying tax breaks, easy money and soaring stock markets, they are certain that all is best in this best of all possible worlds.
